Monday, October 27, 2008

Being a failure isn't easy

Well. It's not me, it's my friend. I know it's not about my life, but I'll share my opinion on it. I'll conceal my friend's identity for his privacy.

Well, he's taking up BS Accountancy(yeah, the course I really wanted!) in a prestige school here in Manila, UST. He's already a junior, but the thing is, he failed. He failed in his major subject/s, and he can't make it to UST anymore. He can retake his failed subject/s in UST but after that, he has to leave. Or, he can leave right away. But he can't be an alumnus of the said university anymore.

I really can't say anything that will ease his feelings. No matter what I tell him, of course that won't alleviate the pain he feels. I can't fully understand what he's going through right now, for I haven't experienced that kind of failure yet(and I don't wish to!). But I keep telling him, if a door closes, a window opens. Everything happens for a reason.

I've advised him to shift to another course, maybe accountancy isn't really for him. But there's something inside him that says he can still make it, and I think that is his "inner motivation".. I'm glad to know that he still has that.

But crap, I really wish I knew what to tell him. He's a close friend of mine, like a brother. We're best friends, but I have no idea how to console him. I know by simply being "here" is not enough, and come to think of it we don't even see each other often these days. My presence is felt through SMS messages, and PMs.

Failing at something is hard. It will never be easy. All I hope is, he can move on soon, accept defeat and start over. I really, really hope, he'll be enlightened soon, and know what's the reason or purpose behind his failure.

In life, we won't always have it our way. I learned that from another friend of mine, that's what he told me in our senior year in high school. Anyway, that's freakin true. We will have obstacles and problems, and we must learn how to accept the challenge and be ready for whatever will happen. Like I said, everything happens for a reason, because everything in this world has its own counterpart, an opposite, different but quite the same. Like the Chinese Yin-Yang(I hope I got that right), it's the balance of opposites, the good and the bad. It's like the equilibrium we have in Physics, right? So sometimes, we're up, but sometimes, we're down. While we're down, let's take time in learning, so that the next time we're up, we know better.

Mavs keep losing, tss.

I know, I know. It's the preseason. But still, it bothers me. They lost to the Bulls, in a game which they lead for almost the freakin entire game! They lead as much as 23 points, but they lost in the end. Coach Carlisle didn't put Dirk back in though, and he sat on the sidelines with Kidd, Howard, Jet.. Maybe Coach Carlisle wanted to see if the bench players are able to handle games such as these.

But the thing is, this has been the problem of the Mavs. They lead in the 1st, 2nd, 3rd quarters.. Sometimes even in the 4th qtr, but they lose in the end. Last season, they had a game against the Lakers, in which they lead for, I think, about 10 points at halftime and maybe 12 points at the end of the 3rd. But crap, the Lakers had it in the end! I know, the Lakers were good last season. But the Mavs have done it every game. Leading then losing.

Oh well, I'll just see what will happen this season. I'll still support the Mavs anyway.


Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Some people just can't get enough.

In the eighteen years I've been living, I couldn't actually say that "I've been through a lot", but of course there are things I've observed and learned in those eighteen years of my life.

There will be those people who won't get enough of things: get enough of intellect, power, money, beauty, fame, and yourself.

One of the seven capital sins is greed. According to Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia,

"Greed is the selfish desire for or pursuit of money, wealth, power, food, or other possessions, especially when this denies the same goods to others. It is generally considered a vice, and is one of the seven deadly sins in Catholicism."

In my opinion, this could be the "Chief of All Sins" because the other six sins(lust, gluttony, sloth, pride, anger, and envy) could be the results of this one, primary, and deadly sin. And this is something that we all have, no matter how good you are.

Let's say a person is good-looking, and he is highly capable intellectually. He's admired by many, but there's one thing wrong with him: his attitude.

He won't show it directly, he'll befriend those people who he thinks he'll benefit from. Rich, famous, and intellectual people. He is not interested in people who are ordinary, who have no special talents other than being a wall flower in parties. But if he discovers a person who he thinks has one of those qualities he's looking for, he'll befriend that person.

My point here is, why are some people so greedy that they would do anything to rise to the top, even if they step on someone's dignity? They'd do everything just to show off and prove to everyone else that they're ahead of everybody else.

Being ambitious and having a goal in life is different. They are similar in a sense that their primary objective is to rise above and stand-out from the crowd. But the difference is, being ambitious is that kind of motivation that will push you to the top, but you'll have to hit someone, somewhere along the way. You'll do anything it takes just to reach the top, even if it means hurting someone. Having a goal, is the kind of motivation that inspires you, either because of your family, loved one, or anyone else that concerns you. The kind of motivation that emerged because you want to help and inspire others.

BTW, I have those perfect examples of being ambitious.

This guy, as anyone would have observed, is overly self-confident. He's such an asshole. He'd do anything to be on top of his class. He did remain on top, but not high enough. I think he'd be 4th or 5th, but certainly not on the top 3. And what else did he gain? People who hate him. People who thinks he's too much.

Honestly, based from my own standards, he is not good. Well, fairly good. When he talks, he doesn't even make sense. A true intellectual is easily recognized when you look deep into their eyes, and read between their lines. But this guy? No. He's so far from that. He's just too confident. And that's it, nothing more.

Then there's this girl. She loves studying, memorizing things. I'd say, she's pretty good at it. Haha, but I dunno, sometimes her IQ is lost. There was a time, her classmates asked her to come with them to a beach. And guess how she responded? She replied with a burning question of what will they do there at the beach. Haha! Simple question, but the mind should work unconsciously to process that they will swim in the beach. Crap, I dunno how that idea was lost inside her damn brain. Is it because of too much textbook reading? hahaha.

Maybe I wouldn't criticize her as much if she had been good to the people around her. It's not just me who noticed, but many of us. I'd be angry with myself if I'd realized I was wrong about her, but it turns out I was right from the start.

I had this rich friend-- and when I say rich, I really mean rich. They own a mining company that operates in Canada and Australia. At first, I was her only friend. She told no one about her secret, not even me. But when we got closer to each other, that's when I found out. She told me all about it, and said she was just testing if someone will befriend her even if they didn't know she was rich. Then, when everyone knew that she's rich(when she proved that I was her real friend, she opened a glimpse of her life story to everyone, including "the girl"), "the girl" immediately made sure that they were close friends. You know, she felt "close" to my friend. How do i know? Because, when she joined us, she talked only to her, and completely disregarded my presence. Not that I wanted it(her attention), though.

But there was a point when she started befriending me. Since I was friends with my rich gal pal, she befriended me(somehow) later. Then there was a subject we had in common. I got a perfect score in our first quiz. I didn't review, I knew the subject matter well. Then that's when she started completely befriending me. Maybe she thought I was pretty intelligent.

My point is, why do some people need to "stay ahead" that it's as if they'd die if they came in second? Why can't they keep a healthy competition among their fellow men?

Successful people are those who have goals, who wanted to help others from the point they had their dreams and goals. That's how they became successful, because God knows they'll put their resources to better use and share it with others, plus the fact that they'll inspire others to do the same. We have our role models, you know who they are. Jesus is the perfect example. God gave Him the power, but He didn't use it for His own good. Remember when Satan tempted him on the mountains thrice? He didn't give in. And God knew that He won't, that's why He gave Jesus Christ the power and made Him His Son that became human for all of us and redeemed us from doom.

Well, so much for that. I admit, I am greedy sometimes. Everyone of us is. I just hope I'm not as worse as my examples. Let's all work hard to be a better citizen of this world, by starting to be selfless and thinking about others' welfare.

For God's Greater Glory, Amen.

God Bless you all.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Still Confused

It's been 2 years, two long years since I graduated from high school. Actually, almost three, because I'm supposed to be in third year now.. I'm taking up BS Nursing, in Philippine Women's University, and currently a sophomore. But still, there's something(or a lot of things) that hold(s) me back.

I vividly remember my senior year in high school. I knew what I wanted to take up: Bachelor of Science, Major in Accountancy. I'm not good at math, but I know this course isn't all about Mathematics. And I am ready to take risks and accept the challenges that await me.

However, my mom wanted me to take up Nursing. She had all the reasons: a better life, and she knew what is it like to be an accountant, because she is one. She used to work for Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas, by the way.

She thought I'd be better off being an RN. She actually managed to persuade me, obviously. But there are times that still make me wonder if I am on the right path, and those times are getting more often each passing day.

I'm now taking up Health Care II, and my fears are already coming to haunt me. I was afraid of being an RN, mainly because I was afraid I'd take people's lives, instead of saving them.. I admit, I'm not much of a caregiver. Distraction gets me so easily, and being an RN requires much of that focus. Extra focus, I must say. Shifting(of duty) is also a problem. I was never good at being punctual. In an office, an employee can afford to be late(at least), but in the hospital, an RN must always arrive on or before her shift. And I wasn't called by the nursing profession in the first place. The numbers attracted me. To be honest, they did since I was 11, about the same time I realized that I liked the Mavs.

When I was a senior in high school, I remember, I knew I was supposed to study in the States. I was still undecided. I wanted to take up Accountancy, or Civil Engineering. Yes, that was my second choice, CE. Upon knowing that I'd go to the States, I didn't bother taking entrance exams. But I was envious of my classmates, who were all so busy reviewing and filling up forms from different coleges and universities. So I told my mom, at least let me take an entrance exam, even from just one school. I firmly insisted on taking up an entrance exam in Ateneo de Manila University, since I didn't make it to the deadline of submission of forms for the University of the Philippines. My mom said Ateneo's too far(I live in Las Pinas), so she said I'd better take the exam for De La Salle University in Taft Avenue, Manila. So I filled up the form, I chose BS Accountancy first, Civil Engineering next. I took the entrance exam, but of course I didn't bother to study(haha). I don't know, maybe I was feeling too conceited. Haha! I failed! Nah, just kidding. I passed the exam, but I guess I didn't make the quota for Accountancy, so they decided to put me in Civil Engineering. Damn! I liked Accountancy, but CE? Not so much. Hahaha. Well, I knew this really wouldn't be my course, so I set it aside and sighed to myself. *sigh*

My mom, she wanted me to be an RN. So anyway, I went to the States. I was still undecided up to that point. After inquiring in many colleges and universities around in CA, I made the decision not to pursue my studies in there anymore, mainly because I think the fees were too expensive. Education in the Philippines isn't bad, actually, so why spend a lot of money in a foreign country when you can get quality education in your homeland? So anyway, I returned to the Philippines four months later(not to mention, bigger and fatter! hahaha). It was January 2007. My cousin, who's an alumnus of my current school. She said that the university accepts late enrollees, so I can start my BSN studies right away. My mom, of course, agreed with her, and told me she would let me transfer to a new school in June.

I met a new set of friends in PWU, and they were real persons. They weren't so maarte and sosyal so that made me feel comfortable. Well, I actually had a friend, well, who's just an heiress of a mining company. Wow. Who would've thought someone like her studied in PWU? And I also had a friend whose father is co-owner of a local fast food chain. Her dad was the company's VP. And, the company is big(I just wouldn't mention what it is.. hehe), and both of them were down to earth persons. They were real friends. Now, I don't see them much anymore. But my new set of friends are as good as anyone could ever have. We help each other, laugh together, and go through hardships together. Sometimes thee's a misunderstanding, but we solve it right away.

Anyway, I still AM undecided. Up to this point. I wanted to shift to another course, and transfer to another school. But there are things that holde me back. Friends, time already spent, not to mention the money spent, and of course my mom's decision. I've told her about this, and well, we'll talk about it when she gets home next week.

First things first: she must allow me first to shift, then finding a school is secondary. I have San Beda and University of Santo Tomas as my choices. Maybe I'll try out for La Salle again, and this timt I'll browse my notes(haha).

Goodluck to me!

I know God understands me, and He knows what's best. If becoming an RN is meant for me, then let it be. My mom will refuse my proposal, I know that's the sign. I just have to face my fears, and concentrate on my current course. But if it is NOT, then.. We'll see.

For God's Greater Glory, Amen.

God Bless you all.