Monday, October 27, 2008

Mavs keep losing, tss.

I know, I know. It's the preseason. But still, it bothers me. They lost to the Bulls, in a game which they lead for almost the freakin entire game! They lead as much as 23 points, but they lost in the end. Coach Carlisle didn't put Dirk back in though, and he sat on the sidelines with Kidd, Howard, Jet.. Maybe Coach Carlisle wanted to see if the bench players are able to handle games such as these.

But the thing is, this has been the problem of the Mavs. They lead in the 1st, 2nd, 3rd quarters.. Sometimes even in the 4th qtr, but they lose in the end. Last season, they had a game against the Lakers, in which they lead for, I think, about 10 points at halftime and maybe 12 points at the end of the 3rd. But crap, the Lakers had it in the end! I know, the Lakers were good last season. But the Mavs have done it every game. Leading then losing.

Oh well, I'll just see what will happen this season. I'll still support the Mavs anyway.


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