Monday, October 27, 2008

Being a failure isn't easy

Well. It's not me, it's my friend. I know it's not about my life, but I'll share my opinion on it. I'll conceal my friend's identity for his privacy.

Well, he's taking up BS Accountancy(yeah, the course I really wanted!) in a prestige school here in Manila, UST. He's already a junior, but the thing is, he failed. He failed in his major subject/s, and he can't make it to UST anymore. He can retake his failed subject/s in UST but after that, he has to leave. Or, he can leave right away. But he can't be an alumnus of the said university anymore.

I really can't say anything that will ease his feelings. No matter what I tell him, of course that won't alleviate the pain he feels. I can't fully understand what he's going through right now, for I haven't experienced that kind of failure yet(and I don't wish to!). But I keep telling him, if a door closes, a window opens. Everything happens for a reason.

I've advised him to shift to another course, maybe accountancy isn't really for him. But there's something inside him that says he can still make it, and I think that is his "inner motivation".. I'm glad to know that he still has that.

But crap, I really wish I knew what to tell him. He's a close friend of mine, like a brother. We're best friends, but I have no idea how to console him. I know by simply being "here" is not enough, and come to think of it we don't even see each other often these days. My presence is felt through SMS messages, and PMs.

Failing at something is hard. It will never be easy. All I hope is, he can move on soon, accept defeat and start over. I really, really hope, he'll be enlightened soon, and know what's the reason or purpose behind his failure.

In life, we won't always have it our way. I learned that from another friend of mine, that's what he told me in our senior year in high school. Anyway, that's freakin true. We will have obstacles and problems, and we must learn how to accept the challenge and be ready for whatever will happen. Like I said, everything happens for a reason, because everything in this world has its own counterpart, an opposite, different but quite the same. Like the Chinese Yin-Yang(I hope I got that right), it's the balance of opposites, the good and the bad. It's like the equilibrium we have in Physics, right? So sometimes, we're up, but sometimes, we're down. While we're down, let's take time in learning, so that the next time we're up, we know better.

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